"Avenue Q" is a hilarious modern musical that explores a group of fascinating characters making their way in a big city with big problems. In this world, puppets are people too and long to find their purpose in life. With music and lyrics by Robert Lopez and Jeff Whitty and book by Jeff Whitty, this winner of the Best Musical Tony will have you laughing and loving with the unforgettable residents of Avenue Q.
Rick Ellis directs with Geoffrey Carter as Music Director. The cast includes Mike Barnette, Lisa Blodgett, Kevin James, Sean Leyes, Natalie MacRae, Travis Mayer, Shelly Overgaard, Andre Spathelf-Sanders, and Joel Stockton.
This production contains Adult Language, Themes and Puppet Nudity.
WHERE: Performances for "Avenue Q" run September 12-28 in the Warner Theatre.
WHEN: Show times are 7:30 PM Wednesday through Saturday and 2:00 PM Sundays.
TICKETING INFORMATION: Ticket prices are $21 Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays; and $18 Wednesday and Thursday. Tickets may be purchased from the SBCT Box Office 574-234-1112 or online sbct,org.
Sponsors for "Avenue Q" are SBCT Full Season Sponsors Villing and Company and Alfred H. and Martha J. Choitz.
"Avenue Q" is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI - 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10119, Phone: 212-541-4684, Fax: 212-397-4684, website: http://www.MTIShows.com.
South Bend Civic Theatre, an award-winning and nationally ranked theatre, is the oldest continuously operating community theatre company in the South Bend/Mishawaka area. Founded in 1957, it staged most of its productions from 1968 to 2007 at The Firehouse, a local historic landmark located at 701 Portage Ave., in the city's historic Park Avenue neighborhood. Since 2007, SBCT's 50th Anniversary year, SBCT's productions have been held in their newly renovated, state-of-the-art, theatre located at 403 N. Main St. SBCT features the 209 seat Wilson Theatre and 90 seat versatile "black-box" Warner Theatre.