Part Dickensian and part adventure story, the play tells the story of Kit an orphan girl in Victorian London who has to masquerade as a boy to get employment with a flea circus. Escaping the cruel streets of London, Kit travels with the circus only to discover her life is made harder under the wicked eye of the circus' proprietor, Professor Malafetta.
Adapted and staged by James Geisel with actors April Sellers, Brad Mazick, Don Elliott, and Maureen Wojciechowski, the play opens Saturday April 9 with performances at 11:00AM and 2:00PM. Additional performances are Sunday, April 10 at 2:00PM and Saturday, April 16 at 11:00AM and 2:00PM. Tickets are $10 and available by calling the box office at 574- 234-1112 or online at