To Kill a Mockingbird One of the best-loved novels of all time takes the stage in an unforgettable story of growing up and seeing the world through new eyes. Scout, the daughter of small town Southern lawyer Atticus Finch, learns lessons of family, prejudice, hatred, and overcoming fear. A timeless tale that has enthralled generations unfolds live and up close at SBCT.
Check below for photos of the production!
Director Gary Oesch leads a cast that features Greg Melton as Atticus and Tess Klingele as Scout. Also in the cast are Alexander Bobbs, Michael Boles, Preston Bolser, Angela Brister, Taylor Brister, Soren Campbell, Steve Chung, Lee Clark, Pierre Cooks, Lori Duda, Zach Gassman, Brandon Harper, Tony Hutti, Jason Johnson, Natalie MacRae, Melissa Manier, Rick Miller, Eula Milon, Mary Ann Moran, Michael Porter, Joe Roman, Scot Shepley, Siôn Shepley, Mary Toll, Patrick Trimboli, Reg Wagle, and Justin F. Williams.
To Kill a Mockingbird will be in the Wilson Theatre May 30-June 8 with performances on Fridays, Saturdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:30pm and Sundays at 2pm. **Due to popular demand, we have added a 2pm matinee on Saturday May 31.** Tickets can be purchased by calling 574-234-1112 or online. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.Photo Credit: Jon Gilchrist