A self-obsessed star in the midst of a mid-life crisis, freely indulges his considerable appetite for wine, women and sleeping late. The theatre's favorite leading man finds himself caught in a never-ending parade of fawning ingénues, estranged wives, and crazed playwrights. Secret trysts and unexpected twists abound-and then all hell breaks loose!
Fort Wayne's finest comic actors take the stage in this classic laugh riot. Cast includes: Todd Frymier, Andy Gross, Nancy Kartholl, Gary Lanier, Susan Kahn, Pam Karkosky, Shelby Lewis, Jim Matusik, Gloria Minnich, Suzan Moriarty, and Jim Nelson. Costumes are by Pam Good, with sets built by Rae Surface, and lights by Thom Hofrichter. Stage Mangers are Ali Q. Gaff and Sophia D'Virgilia.
For tickets or information, email fptboxoffice@firstpres-fw.org, or go online at www.firstpresbyteriantheater.com. Free full-time student tickets-reservations required.