O.G. Productions will present Chaos is Guaranteed, an evening of four shorts originally written for and performed by OGP in previous collections as part of the first ever Fort Wayne Fringe Festival. Playwrights include Scott Tobin, Christopher Lockheardt, Tay Lane and Chris Lane. Showtimes are: Saturday February 1st at 9:30 and Sunday February 2nd at 2:30 at the Wunderkammer Company, 3402 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne, IN.
Cost is $5; for more information, call 614-595-7743 Or visit www.facebook.com/#!/pages/OG-Productions/278150296204O.G. Productions presents Chaos is Guaranteed
Saturday February 2 9:30 pm
Sunday February 3 2:00 pm
All performances at the Wunderkammer Company, 3402 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne, IN
To order tickets: http://fwfringe.tumblr.com/tickets
Chaos is Guaranteed Synopsis:
OGP is excited to be a part of the first ever Fort Wayne Fringe Festival. Chaos is Guaranteed is comprised of four short plays written for and performed by OGP in previous collections. Plays include Daddy Come Home by Scott Tobin, Memento Murray by Christopher Lockheardt, American Babymakers by Tay Lane and Chris Lane and The Goat's on Greg by Chris Lane. And as always with OGP, Chaos is Guaranteed.
OGP President Stephen Woosley: We could not be more excited about going to the Fort Wayne Fringe Festival. It is in line with our playing at off the beaten path sites. It is a chance to recognize and remount some of our best shows that we have done previously. We have an awesome team of playwrights/directors/performers involved. We plan on getting to know most of the bars/wait staffs in Fort Wayne. And we love the spirit of this Fringe. They are gong for it. Bringing chaos. Like OGP.
OGP presents Chaos is Guaranteed!
Hosted by Nikki Smith and WMNR's Bobo and The Gator
The Goat's on Greg by Chris Lane
Greg has a drinking problem. A very, very unique drinking problem.
Greg: Greg MCgill
Barry: Stephen Woosley
Goat: Mary Sink
Directed by Aran Carr
Originally produced as part of the 1st Annual St. James Tavern Shorts Festival, July 2011
American Babymakers by Tay and Chris Lane,
America is the land of opportunity. America is the land of
expectations. Politicians love to expound and bloviate about
"traditional family values". The couple in "American Babymakers" is
trying their "diddledoo darndest" to keep the old "traditions" alive.
However, human nature and...er...hormones can become a roadblock, one
that leads the couple to look at alternative solutions to these
Bill: Stephen Woosley
Tina: Shana Kramer
Directed by Chris Lane
Originally produced as part of the 2nd Annual St. James Tavern Shorts Festival, July 2012
Memento Murray by Christopher Lockheardt
Dads should always leave something for their daughters to remember them by.
Shana Kramer as Kayley
Erik Sternberger as Dad
Directed by Randi Morgan
Originally Produced as part of The OGP Halloween Show: The Cellar and Other Places You Shouldn't Go , October 2012
Daddy Come Home by Scott Tobin
Divorces are never easy. And for Molly, Richard, and their son, a simple birthday party becomes complicated.
Richard: Greg MCgill
Molly: Shana Kramer
Mary: Nikki Smith
Nikki: Mary Sink
Chris: Erik Sternberger
Directed by Stephen Woosley
Originally produced as part of Hanukkah: The Christmas Musical and other Holiday Classics, December 2010