Notre Dame's Department of Film, Television, and Theatre (FTT) announces F. Scott Fitzgerald's fabled romance The Great Gatsby, adapted for the stage by Simon Levy, in the Patricia George Decio Theatre at the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center, April 10-14.
Levy's fluid and impressionistic adaptation, steeped in the heady essence of the Jazz Age, relies on visual production elements to bring to life the characters and lyricism of Fitzgerald's classic novel.
Under the direction of FTT professor Anton Juan, the opulence and excess of the period is set playfully against a postwar American wasteland.
"There is always a challenge in adapting a piece as beloved as Gatsby," says Director of Theatre Kevin Dreyer. "I think audiences will appreciate how faithfully this adaptation presents Fitzgerald's text, thoroughly capturing the spirit of the novel while also streamlining the narrative into a stylish and fast-paced theatrical experience."
Tickets may be purchased online at, by phone at 574-631-2800, or in person at the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center ticket office. Ticket office hours are Monday-Friday, 12:00-6:00 pm.