Under the direction of David Bell, Ross Lehman and Mark L. Montgomery lead a cast of equity, community and Young Company actors in this classic Shakespearean tale. The show will run from August 16 through August 28, 2011.
A cry for understanding and a plea for mercy are not so far apart, but when we ignore the message and listen with anger neither have any meaning.
Wanting to belong is a powerful force: it drives us to search for love, strive for fortunes, rail against injustice, and embrace happiness. Shakespeare's provocative comedy, The Merchant of Venice, starts with Bassanio's quest for Portia. Funded by an ill-conceived loan drawn against Antonio's expected fortunes, the road to true love will not be smooth. When plans go awry, betrayal and blind anger face off against a cry for compassion and a clever young lawyer in disguise. In the end, on a moonlit night in Belmont, all are left to question justice, the power of love, and how far we are prepared to go to belong.
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