In a magical kingdom beneath the sea, the beautiful, young mermaid Ariel longs to leave her ocean home to live in the world above. Once she encounters Prince Eric, she strikes a bargain with the evil sea witch, Ursula, to trade her tail for legs. But the bargain is not what it seems, and Ariel needs the help of her colorful friends Flounder the fish, Scuttle the seagull, and Sebastian the crab to restore order in the ocean's depths.
Based on one of Hans Christian Andersen's most beloved stories and the classic animated film, Disney's The Little Mermaid is a beautiful love story for the ages. With music by eight-time Academy Award winner Alan Menken, this fishy fable will capture your heart with its irresistible songs.
Tickets: $29 Adults, $24 Seniors, $17 Age 23 and under. For tickets call (260) 424-5220 or online at Box office open Monday through Friday, noon to 6pm at 303 E. Main Street, Arts United Center.
Ariel - Rebecca Nelson. Prince Eric - Billy Dawson, Grimsby - Paul R. Faulkner, Flounder - Jack Melton, Scuttle - Nick Kidd Chaney, King Triton - Tanner Crawford, Sebastian - Ennis L. Brown, II, Flotsam, Garbage Net - Tristan Robinson, Jetsam, Garbage Net - Jordan Gameon, Ursula - Kayley Hinen, Chef Louis, Sailor - Reuben Albaugh, Aquata, Princess - Jensen Davis, Andrina, Princess - Alison Cummings, Arista, Princess, Gull, Sea Creature - Valleri Bowman, Atina, Maid, Gull (off-stage) - Tracey Buckmaster-Graham, Adella, Princess - Isabel Chilian, Allana, Maid - Audra Rittenhouse, Ariel Double, Dancer, Gull, Courtier - Daisy Parocz, Hickey, Sailor-Pilot, Leeward, Eric Double, Chef, Courtier - Tim Miles , Windward, Chef, Courtier, Sailor - Dylan Senff. Princess, Gull, Sea Creature - Emma Browning, Princess, Gull, Sea Creature- Minelli Manoukian. Chef, Courtier, Sailor, Sea Dragon Manipulator - Kyle Cordova. Chef, Courtier, Sailor, Sea Dragon Manipulator - Adrian Guevara, Chef, Courtier, Sailor, Schoolmaster - Tyler Hanford, Maid, Sea Creature - Diana Marie Rose, Gull (off-stage), Maid, Sea Creature - Nicole C. Springer, Fish, Courtier - Tori Burke, Fish, Courtier - Dayani Guevara, Fish, Chef - Caleb Cox, Fish - Levi Graham, Fish - Chali Moss. Fish - Karis Moss
Director - Ranae Butler. Music Director - Eunice Wadewitz, Choreographer - Olivia Ross, Stage Manager - June Rambo. Assistant Stage Managers - Bruce Hancock & Shawna Roberts. Show Sponsors: Barrett & McNagny, PNC Bank, Chuck & Lisa Surack and Sweetwater. Season Sponsor: Parkview Health
Made possible with the support of Lincoln Financial Group, , Arts United, Indiana Arts Commission, National Endowment for the Arts. With additional support from The Auer Foundation, Foellinger Foundation, English Bonter Mitchell Foundation, and the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne.
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