This year's adventure has Superman & Batman vying for the affections of Wonder Woman while under attack by the vicious villains Lex Lawyer, The Joker, The Penguin, Cat Woman & Simon Bar Chocolate. Will Underdog sniff his way to...Sweet Polly Purbred's...heart? Will Lois Lane end up lonely on Lover's Lane? Will Robin be without his And will Cat Woman be left in the litter box? This tragic Gothic comedy unfolds in the City of Fort Wayne. Don't miss the opportunity to see local CEO's and community leaders in this hysterical comic parody performed as a stage reading.
Celebrity Cast
Keith Busse - Steel Dynamics as Superman
Julie Inskeep - Journal Gazette as Lois Lane
Frank Gray - Journal Gazette as Perry White
Charlie Huisking as Jimmy Olsen
John Burns - Faegre Baker Daniels as Lex Lawyer
Mayor Tom Henry - The Gallant Group as Jonathan Kent
Cindy Henry - The Green Frog Inn as Martha Kent
Karen E. Richards - Allen County Prosecutor as Wonder Woman
Mike Nutter - Fort Wayne TinCaps as Batman
Bo Geyer - Power Components, Corp. as Robin
Wendell Bontrager - Tower Bank as Alfred Pennyworth
David Gall - Coldwell Banker Roth Wehrly Graber as The Joker
Molly McCray - Fort Wayne City Council as Cat Woman
Bob Ahlersmeyer - Civic Audience Favorite as Underdog
Jessica Henry - Allen County SPCA as Sweet Polly Purebred
Tim Beere - DeBrand Fine Chocolates as Simon Bar Chocolate
Spencer Perkins - US Air Filtration & Civic Audience Favorite as TV Announcer
And a walk-on role that COULD BE YOU! Bid at the live auction that evening for a chance to appear on stage!
Tickets are $90 and include abundant appetizers, live & silent auctions, Celebrity Stage Reading, dessert reception hosted by DeBrand Fine Chocolates and complimentary bar hosted by The Green Frog Inn and Five Star Distributing.
For Reservations Call 422-8641 x 226 or online at
In addition to our celebrity actors and their companies, additional sponsors are:
Cottage Event Center
Linda L. Ruffolo
Marcia & John Crawford