William Shakespeare's Measure for Measure will be performed by the renowned five-member British touring group, Actors From The London Stage (AFTLS) October 4, 5, and 6 at Notre Dame's Washington Hall. Founded by Homer "Murph" Swander, Sir Patrick Stewart, and members of the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1975, AFTLS has been visiting university campuses for week-long residencies ever since. "We are excited to bring our audiences a rare opportunity to experience one of Shakespeare's most unique comedies, Measure for Measure," says Scott Jackson, executive director of Shakespeare at Notre Dame. He adds, "Now more than ever the play's themes of corrupted power masquerading as religious devotion and intolerance replacing benevolent rule strike a particularly resonant chord in our current socio-political landscape."
In Measure, the Duke of Vienna, mysteriously and without explaining his reasons, announces he will leave his city, appointing Angelo as his deputy. Order in the city has suffered from years of lax enforcement of the laws. Angelo, zealous and strict, is the ideal person to reassert the rule of law. Staying and disguising himself as a friar, the duke watches what happens.
Washington Hall on the campus of the University of Notre Dame
Wednesday, Oct. 4; Thursday, Oct. 5; and Friday, Oct. 6 at 7:30pm
Tickets: Regular $23, Student $13, Under 18 FREE with regular ticket purchase (limit five)
(Due to adult themes, Measure for Measure is not recommended for children under 13)
For tickets visit performingarts.nd.edu or call 574-631-2800.
Hailing from such prestigious UK companies as Shakespeare's Globe, the National Theatre, and the Royal Shakespeare Company, AFTLS actors are uniquely prepared for their week-long dual-focus residency. During their Notre Dame residency, they not only present three performances of Measure for Measure, but also visit dozens of classrooms for text-focused workshops.
In addition to enlivening theatre and English departments, the AFTLS experience is tailored to enrich coursework across the academic spectrum. Their dynamic, hands-on approach heightens students' intellectual curiosity regardless of discipline. Whether coaching accounting students on successful presentation skills, or instructing law students in the art of persuasion, these workshops promote a campus-wide dialogue inspired by the works of William Shakespeare.
Actors From The London Stage is one component of Shakespeare at Notre Dame, a program that also includes the McMeel Family Chair in Shakespeare Studies and the Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival, the University of Notre Dame's professional theatre in residence. The mission of Shakespeare at Notre Dame is to establish the University nationally and internationally as a center for the study of Shakespeare in performance.
AFTLS actor bios, production photos, a character breakdown, and a full synopsis of the play are available at shakespeare.nd.edu. Actor interviews are available upon request.