The Acting Ensemble presents a special Reader's Theater Performance of Truman Capote's "The Thanksgiving Visitor." From the master storyteller comes a holiday story inspired by Capote's childhood. When a bully threatens to ruin Thanksgiving, a young Buddy (Capote) takes matters into his own hands. The story is filled with Capote's memorable characters which remind us what we all should be thankful for--the gift of friendship.
Written in 1968 as a companion piece to Capote's 1956 "The Christmas Memory," Capote revisits life in and around Monroeville and his beloved old cousin Miss Sook. Both stories are now considered holiday classics.
Directed by Lucinda Moriarty, the reading is produced by special arrangement with The Truman Capote Literary Trust.
Performances will take place at Studio 217, 217 S. Michigan Street, South Bend. Performances times are Saturday, November 17 at 7:30PM and Sunday, November 18 at 2:00PM. Seating is limited. Tickets are $5 and may be reserved by emailing or 574-807-0108.