ANDREACLES, presented at SouthGate Church, is a contemporary musical drama based on Aesop's fable 'Androcles and the Lion'. The show follows an enslaved Roman boy's spiritual journey during a rebellion against the tyrannical emperor, Nero. Featuring the first book and score by Braden Allison, the premiere of this unique and thought-provoking production will hit South Bend, IN in July of 2020.
Braden Allison 574-339-7266
Andreacles - Richard Allen III
Priscilla - Natalie Rarick
Malachi - Braden Allison
Cassius - Mark Torma
Nero - Nick Rogers
Augustina - Kyrrah White
Blake Allison - The Lion
Josh Ingle - Guard
Madison Jackson - Mother
Friday, 07/31 at 7:30pm
Saturday, 08/01 at 7:30pm