It's their 20-year reunion and Karlien and Caitlyn are dreading the "So, what have you been doing with your life?" questions. One has a family, the other a career. Neither is sure they have what they want.
Fresh from the National Arts Festival Fringe and winning a Standard Bank Ovation Award, Your Perfect Life is heading to Cape Town. Come and relive the highs and lows of a high school reunion with Caitlyn and Karlien. The story is set at a 20-year high school reunion and two women - a stay-at-home mother and the career-focused singleton - bump into each other. Seeing them now, it's hard to imagine how they used to be best friends. However, as they reminisce about their high school years, ex-boyfriends and all the fun they had, it becomes almost hard to imagine why they haven't kept in touch. Your Perfect Life is a poignant and honest look at how life can take unexpected turns and how society judges us for dealing with it the best way we can. Audiences at the National Arts Festival in Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown) called the peice "thought provoking" and "wonderfully funny".
The idea for this play first sparked when the two real-life friends, Erika Marais and Faeron Wheeler, were struck time and again by how close they were despite leading such vastly different lives. This has often led them to reflect on how society judges women for not managing to do it all. It's a conversation the pair have had many times and turning it into a play seemed like the natural progression. As a testament to women for women, director Sue Diepeveen was brought in to help steer Your Perfect Life from conversations over catch-up coffees to a thoughtful, funny and truthful take on women's lives. We all know that other people's lives aren't perfect, but we can't help thinking that somehow, they are.
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