UCT Drama Department presents uR by Illka Louw at the Arena Theatre, 37 Orange Street, Gardens, 26-29 November 2013 (Tickets for 26 November closed to public), nightly at 7.30pm. Bookings: www.webtickets.co.za; The Little Theatre office: 021 480 7129.
uR by Illka Louw stars Nicole Fortuin, Alexandra Meier , Leanetse Seekoe. Creative team: Set and Costume: Illka Louw; Lighting: Sean Whitehead; Stage management: Sean Whitehead and Roberto Grové.
uR is the culmination of Illka Louw's research, completed during a two year Masters' program in Theatre and Performance Studies at UCT. Illka aims to deepen her understanding of her practice as theatre designer, scenographer and visual dramaturge in a post-dramatic milieu. Originally a costume designer, Illka's first love lies with her tactile and imaginative interaction with the materials of her craft. For Illka, this visceral relationship with the properties and qualities of materials such as cloth, paper and ink extends beyond the designer's act of drawing, through the performance space and towards the imagination of the spectator.Videos