Featured on the Main Stage of the curated National Arts Festival this is a must see!
Who are "the men that eat" and what accounts for their rapacious appetites that are never satisfied? The Ultimate price is paid for corruption but who will foot the bill?
Mother of All Eating is a satire by Zakes Mda. The play explores the debilitating culture of corruption and greed known as 'eating'. The culture has become synonymous with corrupt state officials who enrich themselves by abusing government funds.
Set in Lesotho the 1992, the play exposes the catastrophic effects of greed and the tragic effects that accompany unchecked corruption. With crafty direction by Chris Weare this pair of actors become a parade of rogues. This tragicomedy bites close to the bone in this sharp, witty and superbly performed piece.
Performed by the brilliant Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi and Luntu Mazisa.
Photo credit: Mark Wessels