Award-winning playwright and director, Louis Viljoen (The Kingmakers, The Pervert Laura, The Demon Bride), is known for his dark comedies and unsettling dramas that reveal what hides in the murky corners of the mind. His critically acclaimed production, The Pervert Laura, is proof of his exceptional talent to both intrigue and unsettle audiences and keep them coming back for more. True to his style of orchestrating masterful twists and turns, Viljoen now brings audiences THE HUCKSTERS.
Viljoen's latest gripping play, THE HUCKSTERS, is an acid-tongued exploration of a casual sexual encounter gone awry. A man and a woman meet after not seeing each other for years and what starts off as a romantic, booze fuelled evening, slowly begins to unravel into a psychological mystery as an incident from their shared history rears its head. The mistakes of the past become the horrors of the present as these two broken people dig into their previous lives and the lies that lead them to each other.
To give these quick witted and dirty talking characters the masterful stage presence they deserve, Viljoen once again teams up with award-winning performers Emily Child (The Pervert Laura, The Road To Mecca, Contractions) and Nicholas Pauling (The Pervert Laura, A Steady Rain, Blue/Orange, The Father).
Well-known for their daring roles during their careers, Child and Pauling are currently bringing great drama to South African television as recurring characters in the new HBO series, Warrior.
With a writer, director and cast of this calibre, audiences can expect to see a production that is both depraved and utterly liberating within an engaging context of regret and vengeance rooted in cruel relationships and savage betrayals when they book to see the premiere of THE HUCKSTERS at Alexander Upstairs from 22 July to 3 August.
Tickets are R130 per person, with a R20 discount for prepaid bookings. Tickets can be booked online at booking is recommended for this limited season.
Warning: THE HUCKSTERS contains explicit language and scenes of a sexual nature. Herbal cigarettes are used during the performance. There is an advisory age of 18 years.