Acclaimed British author, Alison Uttley's delightful story, TALES OF LITTLE GREY RABBIT, will be presented by Stagecraft Drama Studio in this Artscape Theatre Foyer over the upcoming school holidays.
Squirrel, Hare and Little Grey Rabbit live peacefully together in a little house in the woods. One day, Hedgehog, the Milkman, tells them that a Weasel has moved into the woods. Little Grey Rabbit warns her friends not to open the doors to strangers, but when Little Gret Rabbit goes off to shop, they carelessly open the door of their house without asking who is there - and the Weasel is at the door. Children in the audience will be asked to help to rescue the two animals and all ends well.
Friendship, sharing and caring are some of the messages in the play. Some other educational lessons that tie in with the show include: the habits and habitats of hares, squirrels, grey rabbits, weasels and owls, dealing with stranger danger and dangerous situations, and word puzzles based on the words squirrel, hare, rabbit, owl, friend, weasel, no, danger, strong, exercise and lazy.
Adapted and directed by well-known children's theatre director Cheryl Abromowitz, TALES OF LITTLE GREY RABBIT features music by acclaimed pianist, Shirley Greek, which has been adapted for this production by Anton Luitingh. The production is co-directed by Caryn Reznik. The production has a wonderful cast of adults and children with Nathan Fredericks playing the naughty but lovable weasel.
TALES OF LITTLE GREY RABBIT will be performed on Mondays through Saturdays from Saturday 19 March - 26 March at 10:30. This show is suitable for ages 2 and upwards. A special dress-up parade takes place on 26 March, in which audience members are invited to dress up as Little Grey Rabbit, Squirrel or Hare in order to stand a chance to win a prize. Tickets are R80 per person, with a 20% discount on block bookings of 20 or more. Book at Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 7695 or Computicket.