EPSTEIN: THE MAN WHO MADE THE BEATLES is a window into the private world of Brian Epstein, the music entrepreneur whose stellar career as The Beatles' manager made him a household name, yet whose controversial personal life remained the purview of only friends and close business associates.
This two-hander play imagines this brilliant but troubled man's drug-fuelled final days whilst looking back upon his illustrious adult life and meteoric career from his drama school days to managing the world's biggest pop group. Epstein died in 1967 at the age of 32 of an accidental drug overdose.
Epstein first discovered the Beatles in November 1961, during a lunchtime Cavern Club performance. He was instantly impressed, and saw great potential in the group. After being rejected by nearly all major recording companies in London, Epstein secured a meeting with George Martin, head of EMI's Parlophone label. In May 1962, Martin agreed to sign the Beatles, partly because of Epstein's conviction that the group would become internationally famous. In 1997, Paul McCartney said, "If anyone was the Fifth Beatle, it was Brian."
This must-see opportunity to discover a previously unexplored story and celebrate a true icon of 1960's popular culture - a man who shaped music and style across the world - will run at Theatre on the Bay from 7 - 17 October 2015 on Tuesdays to Saturdays at 8pm, with additional Saturday shows at 5pm. Bookings are through Computicket.