LIFE, the new stand-up comedy show from multi-award winning comedian Rob van Vuuren, will run at the Baxter Golden Arrow Studio this May. Van Vuuren has joined forces once again with multi-award winning director Tara Notcutt and producer Siv Ngesi to create the kind of show that makes it your civic responsibility to laugh at LIFE.
Following on from the critically acclaimed smash hit, WHATWHAT, Van Vuuren turns his comedic scalpel to the meaning of life itself and dissects the kind of questions that reveal and possibly even solve the mysteries of existence. Questions like 'How do you get a five-year-old to school on time?' and 'Why does the wifi say AlwaysOn when it never is?' finally get the kind of stage time that might just change your life.
Following a recent run in with a motivational speaker, Van Vuuren began to question his own purpose in life and has subsequently allowed the comedic cynic in him to run rampant and create the kind of comedy tour-de-force that would make a life coach hand over his book of pithy inspirational quotes.
Not since Van Vuuren pranked Leon Schuster has South Africa and the world at large had such a good reason to find the absurdity of life as absolutely hysterical as it will appear in LIFE. Do not miss this opportunity to join the artist formerly know as Twakkie and the star of the hit SABC 2 programme, SHOWVILLE, as he explains to you in no uncertain terms why life is like the toilet at home affairs.
LIFE runs at the Baxter Golden Arrow Studio from 3 to 28 May 2016 on Mondays through Saturdays at 20:15. Tickets cost R100, with special discounts available for senior citizens, students and group bookings. Bookings can be made online through Computicket, by phone on 0861 915 8000 or at any Shoprite Checkers outlet. For discounted corporate or group block bookings, fundraisers or charities, contact Sharon Ward on 021 680 3962 or Carmen Kearns on 021 680 3993 during office hours. Advance booking is highly recommended. The show carries an age guideline of PG16.