A one woman stand up comedy show, written and performed by Nina Hastie is a story of how Nina has stumbled through her life and democracy in South Africa managing to offend everyone, despite her very best intentions.
The show title, 'Thuma Nina'' is a play on the phrase 'Thuma MINA" which was used by President Cyril Ramaphosa in his 2017 presidential campaign. 'Thuma Mina" translated from isiZulu into English means - "SEND ME".
The irony is that "Thuma NINA" means "SEND YOU GUYS" - and just like this title, so much of what Nina has done in her life, got lost in translation.
Book securely online with a credit card for any show at POPArt by visiting popartcentre.co.za. For telephone enquiries please call Hayleigh on 083.245.1040 or Orly on 082.472.2559.