Jemma Kahn and Tertius Kapp's kamishibai memoir, IN BOCCA AL LUPO, will be performed at the Alexander Bar, Café and Theatre for a short season this January and February. Directed by Jane Taylor, with Kahn also providing illustrations and performing the show, IN BOCCA AL LUPO features sound design by Charl Johan Lingenfelder, lighting desgn by Themba Stewart and costumes by Ella Buter.
What could follow THE EPICENE BUTCHER and WE DIDN'T COME TO HELL FOR THE CROISSANTS? Kahn's third kamishibai show, IN BOCCA AL LUPO, is a graphic, candid and whimsical journey across three continents, using four story boxes, one giant cicada, a naked Catholic (or two) and one golden surprise.
Using simple but beautifully drawn images displayed on cardboard story panels, Kahn has spent the last four years captivating audiences from Cape Town to Edinburgh to Amsterdam with her unique take on the 12th-century Japanese art form of kamishibai. The effect is like watching a sort of live manga cartoon, her sheer verve in combination with all the elements at play create an utterly original and sometimes bizarre theatre experience, a joyous tribute to visual and verbal storytelling.
IN BOCCA AL LUPO premiered at the National Arts Festival 2016, produced by POPArt Productions and Jemma Kahn, in association with the National Arts Festival and Arts and Culture Trust and Nedbank Arts Affinity. The Alexander Bar run begins on 30 January and runs until 11 February, with performances at 19:00. Tickets are available from the Alexander Bar website. For telephone enquiries, call 021 300 1652. The Alexander Bar, Café and Theatre is situated at 76 Strand Street in the Cape Town city centre and can be followed on Facebook and Twitter.