The show "Guitar man" presented by Local guitarist Emile Appollis and his band "the Collective" is a multi-genre show finished with a comedic touch.
The show will be hosted by Rogan Hank, and will contain music pieces in the style of Blues, Latin, Pop, and Jazz. In similar fashion to their previous show, "Guitar man" is a combination of both golden oldies, contemporary music and short skits. The show plays out a fun narrative for the most part, but in its crux comes down to the importance of unity and community.
The aim of the show, aside from a night of good music and laughter, is to remind our local supporters that we are one community. Many people, especially our women are hurting and together we can support, protect and heal.
In the last show 'Genesis', there was an incredible turn out and wonderful audience participation. Since then they have been working on a new show that will have even more opportunities for audience participation and more memories to be made.
If this is your first time hearing of Emile and his band, don't hesitate, come join us and experience them for yourself. Or if you've been part of the family along the way, we welcome you back and look forward to sharing the evening with you.
Book securely online with a credit card for any show at The Drama Factory by visiting The direct booking page for this particular show is