This iconic Willy Russell play, set in Liverpool, England in 1980, follows the relationship between hairdresser Rita, and Frank, a middle-aged university lecturer, over the course of a year.
Dissatisfied with life, Rita seeks inner growth by signing up for a course in English Literature with Frank, a middle-aged, alcoholic academic. The two have an immediate and profound effect on one another; Frank is impressed by Rita's earnestness and is forced to re-examine his attitudes and position in life, while Rita finds Frank's tutelage opens doors to a bohemian lifestyle and a new self-confidence. However, Frank's bitterness and cynicism return as he notices Rita beginning to adopt the pretensions of the university culture he despises, while she realizes that her new social niche is rife with the same dishonesty and superficiality she had previously sought to escape.
Frank is played by Nick Plummer, who was last seen on the Artscape stage as Professor Higgins in 'My Fair Lady', which won him the CATA award for Best Actor in a Musical. The talented Jaime Uranovsky, who was nominated last year for both Best Actress in a Play and a Musical, plays the feisty Rita.
This timeless British comedy is directed by Lynn Moss for Claremont Dramatic Society and runs at the Masque Theatre Muizenberg from 08 - 23 February, weekday evenings @ 8pm and Saturdays @ 2:30pm and 6:30pm. Bookings at Computicket or or telephone 021 788 1898.