Keith Scott takes a humorous, satirical yet enlightening look at a grim subject, the War on Drugs. He describes his own curious experiences with drugs as an infant, as a child and as a doctor. And takes the audience on a hilarious journey back to the origin of humans' relationship with psychoactive drugs, how they boosted the development of the human brain, their relationship to religion; as well as the role of the colonial powers as the first drug cartels and the disastrous effects of the War on Drugs.
Keith Scott is a medical doctor, comedian and drug law-reform activist who has practiced in South Africa, the UK, New Zealand and Botswana; and had a porthole view of the rest of the world while working as cruise ship doctor. Two of his interests are medical-themed comedy and drug law reform that he has brought together in Doctor Scott Is Psycho-Active. Keith earned his comedy stripes doing stand-up comedy in Cape Town clubs and performed his first one man show, Free The Fetus at South Africa's National Arts Festival. With the sort of irrational optimism peculiar to comedians he decided that he could actually help to change our draconian drug laws. And, in order to do so, has written this show and co-founded an NGO, the South African Drug Policy Initiative - SADPI.
Medical doctor, comedian and drug law reform activist, Keith Scott takes a humorous, satirical yet enlightening look at a grim subject, the War on Drugs. He describes his own curious experiences with drugs as an infant, as a child and as a doctor. And takes the audience on a hilarious, harrowing journey 'down the aardvark hole' - into the bizarre world of our relationship with the psychoactive drugs we take and the psychotic drug laws others make to prevent us from taking them. He describes the origin of humans' relationship with drugs, how they boosted the development of the human brain, their relationship to religion; as well as the role of the colonial powers as the first drug cartels. In Doctor Scott Is Psycho-Active, Keith Scott brings together two of his main interests, medical-themed comedy and drug law reform, to produce a very funny show that lays bare the harms and hypocrisies of the War on Drugs.
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