BENCH, a hilarious comedy-drama, tells the story of two colorful and clumsy thieves, Hendry and Dwain played by Adrian Collins and Brent Palmer, who also wrote the play. The odd-couple sit on a park bench, about to embark on their most daring job to date. This is the operation they believe is going to make them wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. However when one of them gets a crisis of conscience and begins to question the job, the planning soon takes surprising and unexpected turns.
The production premiered at the Kalk Bay Theatre in 2012 - read the BroadwayWorld South Africa review of the play here - and was subsequently nominated for a prestigious Fleur du Cap Award earlier this year for Best New South African Script. BENCH is directed by Michael Kirch and runs at the Fugard Studio Theatre for 4 shows only from 28 to 31 August at 8pm with tickets R110 to R130 via Computicket or 0214614554.