The show features hits from Tim Minchin, Elton John, Tones & I, Whitney, Lionel, Queen, Bette Midler, Marianne Faithfull, and more!
The Drama Factory will present Cat & Lucy - When Divas Collide on 16 and 17 April, 2021.
Lucy Tops' voice is a powerhouse of incredible range and Cat's classy, cheeky performance style is very entertaining, her piano mastery evident throughout, especially in the "classical" mistakes" set. Cat is without a doubt a fabulous foil for Lucy and their individual strengths complemented the other's brilliantly.
The show features hits from Tim Minchin, Elton John, Tones & I, Whitney, Lionel, Queen, Bette Midler, Marianne Faithfull and surprises such as Radiohead's Creep and an inspirational country-styled, Follow Your Arrow!
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