Big Top Rock is a Barnyard Theatre rock concert with a difference and is the sequel to the very popular show The Rock Circus. The show includes music, aerial acts, jugglers and a circus atmosphere that will rock you like no other. After the success of The Rock Circus, Big Top Rock continues to mesmerize the audience in an action packed show featuring an extended stage into the auditorium.
Hosting the show as ringmaster is the talented rock singer extraordinaire Kyle Matthews who is joined by Nadine Sisam and Stefan Huisteen on vocals and a rocking 5 piece band! The 4 piece international aerial act Sircusynergy fronted by Orlando and Natalie Vargas add the icing to the cake. Sircusynergy perform a variety of acts that include the running wall, pole acrobatics, juggling, flying rope, and strap acts which are all performed to the beat of the rocking live band and singers. 6 decades of music is featured from icons like Prince, Lenny Kravitz and Pink to rock bands like ACDC, U2, Journey, Santana and many more.
This show plays in Willowbridge, Capetown May 9-June 24. Visit to purchase tickets.