The 2017 Artscape High School Drama Festival competition was celebrated in grand style. This follows the winners' announcement at an Awards Ceremony held at the Artscape Theatre Centre on the 19 August 2017.
The 16 finalist schools, selected from over 36 entries across the Western Cape Province spent four action-packed days, presenting their extraordinary drama projects to a panel of adjudicators including Sticks Mdidimba, Ilne Fourie, Kay Smith, Riaan Visman and Lesley Manim from 14 - 17 August.
Generously supported by Die Burger and the HCI foundation, the 2017 High School Drama Festival was initiated and coordinated by Artscape's School Liaison Unit. The Festival is a catalyst for young people to express themselves. The High Schools engage with each other across cultural barriers, language and geographical areas, to start to build an understanding of the environment they live in.
Says Thokozile Ntshinga, Director of Inclusive Arts Unit: "This is a momentous occasion with so many groups participating. This opportunity is afforded to young people who might see drama as a future career."
2017 Artscape High School Drama Festival Competition Winners:
1. Best Actor:
2. Best Actress:
3. Best Supporting Actor:
4. Best Supporting Actress:
5. Best Script:
6. Best Director:
7. Best Technical:
8. Adjudicators Award (Most Promising Actor):
9. Best Production: