A young man finds himself trapped between financial and academic struggles. He strives to find a balance between the two but the debt that he faces as a result of an unjust system and the manipulators of society becomes too much for him. A pawn in a political game, his dreams and academic success are threatened and shattered.
Date and TimePay on CollectionOnline Pre-Paid
Wed 24th Jan 7pmR90.00R80.00
Thu 25th Jan 7pmR90.00R80.00
Fri 26th Jan 7pmR90.00R80.00
Sat 27th Jan 7pmR90.00R80.00
Booking and Venue Information
Book securely online with a credit card for any show at Alexander Upstairs by visiting shows.alexanderbar.co.za or reserve your ticket without paying (but miss out on the discount)
The direct booking page for this particular show is alexanderbar.co.za/show/thedeficit
You can also purchase tickets in person at the bar anytime during our regular opening hours (Mon - Sat 11am to 1am, Sun 3pm - midnight)
For telephone inquiries: 021.300.1652
Alexander Bar & Café, 76 Strand Street (Corner Loop), Cape Town CBD, 8001
Under 18s must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Open 7 days a week: Mon-Sat: 11am - 1am, Sun: 3pm - 12am.
Sandwiches, light meals, cheese boards and snacks served til midnight. Menu available here
Facebook: facebook.com/AlexanderBarCT Twitter: @AlexanderBarCT