The show is directed by Fleur du Cap Lifetime achievement award winner Christopher Weare.
Live and Let Laugh (No time to Cry) by Alan Committie, directed by Christopher Weare, will play Montecasino 6 April - 16 April for 11 shows ONLY!
In this, funnyman Alan Committie's TWENTY FIFTH solo stand up show, the comedian takes his inspiration from the 25 James Bond movies that have been released over the last 70 years.
Comically exploring stunts, espionage, sex and relationships, international travel, gadgets and, above all, double entendres Committie once again returns with his usual madcap verbal humour and physical hi-jinx.
This show includes a special appearance by intrepid international (read: large parts of Free-State and Upington) security guard Mr Johann Van Der Walt and his "Jaws"esque dentures....
You can also expect a flip-chart, attractive women (in the audience), action and suspense galore (will there be enough staff to deal with interval bar rush?) and a climactic ending (which may or may not involve a xylophone, two rabid porcupines and an inflatable Renault Clio).....
Bookings through Webtickets and the theatre (011) 511 1988.
The show is directed by Fleur du Cap Lifetime achievement award winner Christopher Weare.