Through a once-in-a-lifetime adventure played inside the Washington Pavilion, "Night at the Pavilion" combines real-world museum missions and challenges with virtual clues and online collaboration - all inspired by the art collections and science exhibitions in the Washington Pavilion. The game is designed to empower young people to envision the future by bringing them face-to-face with the art and scientific discoveries of people who made an extraordinary difference.
The leadership and teaching staff of Harrisburg South Middle School and the Washington Pavilion Community Learning Center are piloting this new model for middle school engagement with the support of the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation.
The Washington Pavilion is the region's home for the arts, entertainment and science. Located in a beautifully renovated historic building in downtown Sioux Falls, it is one of only a few facilities in the world to bring together under one roof the performing arts, visual arts and interactive science. The vast array of high quality programming and educational activities available through the Husby Performing Arts Center, Kirby Science Discovery Center, Visual Arts Center and the Community Learning Center ensures that people of all ages and walks of life can rely upon the Washington Pavilion to entertain, inspire, educate and enrich. There is, indeed, something for everyone here. For information about our programs, call (605) 367-7397 or, (toll free) at 1-877-Wash Pav or visit our website at