Twelfth Night is a delightful and uplifting comedy, chock full of music, playful antics, delicious language, and nuanced explorations of human relationships.
The SDSF present a live, professional production of Twelfth Night, or What You Will, in Vermillion's Prentis Park, June 17-20, 2021.
Executive Artistic Director Chaya Gordon-Bland looks forward to returning to live performances: "This has been such a challenging and stressful time in the world. The SDSF wants to bring joy to people's lives, and help support health, happiness, and healing for our communities through theatre.
Twelfth Night is a delightful and uplifting comedy, chock full of music, playful antics, delicious language, and nuanced explorations of human relationships."
The production will also be streamed for free online June 24 - 27; check for complete details.
Photo Credit: Aaron C. Packard Productions