Life of Pi is an the epic tale of adventure. This Tony Award® and Olivier Award-winning hit is “an exhilarating evening of theater” (The Wall Street Journal) and “gives new life to Broadway” (The Today Show). After a shipwreck in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a sixteen-year-old boy named Pi survives on a lifeboat with four companions— a hyena, a zebra, an orangutan and a Royal Bengal tiger. A truly remarkable story unfolds of hope, faith, and perseverance that speaks to every generation. Told through incomparable puppetry and exquisite stagecraft, Life of Pi creates a visually breathtaking journey that will leave you filled with awe and joy.
The production is spellbinding. Notable performances include Pi’s Father (Sorab Wadia) who deftly communicates the weariness and concern driving him to protect his family from danger, and the Cook (Ben Durocher) who exudes cruelty and eventually, inhuman savagery. The demanding Mr. Okamoto (Alan Ariano) who is investigating the shipwreck and Lulu Chen (Mi Kang), an empathetic Canadian diplomat maintain a precarious equilibrium as Pi recounts his fantastical tale. Finally, Savidu Geevaratne portrays a curious and enthusiastic Pi whose grace and athleticism interact seamlessly with the magnificent puppeteers breathing life into the zoo animals.
Under Max Webster’s direction, the play — save for the hospital scenes — is in constant motion, with flowing, intricate movement by Pi, members of the ensemble, and puppeteers. There are a lot of plot points compressed into Chakrabarti’s relatively compact script. Along with Webster’s rapid pace, this results in parts of the play feeling rushed, sometimes at the expense of nuance.
2021 | West End |
Original West End Production West End |
2023 | Broadway |
Original Broadway Production Broadway |
2024 | US Tour |
North American Tour US Tour |