Daniel Barrett, a New York-based actor originally from Los Angeles, brought his extensive theatrical experience to the cast of James Joyce's The Dead, showcasing his versatility honed through roles such as Rose in Golden Girls Live and Alexander Hamilton in George Washington’s Boy. more...
Blair Brown, a Tony Award-winning actress, graced the stage in James Joyce’s The Dead on Broadway, showcasing her extensive talent alongside her notable performances in The Parisian Woman, Cabaret, and The Threepenny Opera. more...
Daisy Eagan, who won a Tony Award at age 11 for her role in The Secret Garden, also graced the stage in the Broadway production of James Joyce's The Dead, showcasing her versatile talent in both musical and dramatic roles. more...
Dashiell Eaves, known for his versatile performances on Broadway in productions such as Sing Street and A Christmas Carol, also brought his talent to the stage in the past with his role in James Joyce’s The Dead. more...
Sally Ann Howes, renowned for her iconic role as Truly Scrumptious in the 1968 musical film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, brought her exceptional talent to the stage in James Joyce's The Dead, adding to her illustrious career that includes a Tony-nominated performance in Brigadoon on Broadway. more...
Alice Ripley, who earned acclaim for her astonishing performances, brought her exceptional talent to the stage in James Joyce's The Dead, adding to her illustrious career that includes a Tony Award-winning role in Next to Normal and unforgettable performances in Broadway hits like The Who’s Tommy and Sunset Boulevard. more...
Anne Runolfsson, who graced the stage as Gretta Conroy in the Broadway production of James Joyce's The Dead, is renowned for her remarkable versatility, having also captivated audiences as Carlotta Giudacelli in Phantom of the Opera and as Fantine in Les Miserables. more...
Stephen Spinella, a distinguished actor recognized for his extensive work on Broadway, earned an Outer Critics Circle Award, a Drama Desk Award, and a Tony nomination for his performance in James Joyce’s The Dead. more...
Christopher Walken, known for his diverse and iconic roles in over 100 films and television shows, brought his multi-talented presence to the stage in James Joyce's The Dead, showcasing the theatrical roots that have defined his illustrious career. more...