Kelly Bishop, who previously captivated audiences with her award-winning performance as Sheila in A Chorus Line, brought her remarkable talent to the stage in productions like Neil Simon's Proposals and Six Degrees of Separation at Lincoln Center, before her memorable role as Emily Gilmore on "The Gilmore Girls." more...
Patricia Dunnock, known for her roles in "Money Monster," "Serial Mom," and "The Age of Innocence," brings her versatile acting prowess to the cast of "Bus Stop." more...
Mary-Louise Parker, known for her extensive and acclaimed career in theater, television, and film, previously showcased her talents in BUS STOP, adding to her impressive repertoire of stage performances. more...
Larry Pine, a veteran actor with a career spanning over four decades, showcased his versatility in numerous Broadway productions, films, and television shows, including his memorable performance in "Bus Stop." more...