Christian Camargo, who is known for his extensive work on stage, television, and film, brought his remarkable talent to "Skylight," showcasing his versatility and depth as an actor. more...
Michael Gambon, a distinguished actor with a six-decade-long career, made his Broadway debut in David Hare's "Skylight" in 1997, earning a Tony Award nomination for Best Actor in a Play. more...
Michael C. Hall, known for his acclaimed roles in "Dexter" and "Six Feet Under," also starred in a past production of "Skylight" at the Mark Taper Forum. more...
Lia Williams received a Tony nomination for her performance in the Broadway production of "Skylight" and an Olivier nomination for the same role at the National Theatre. more...
Awards and Nominations
1997 Tony Awards
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Play: Michael Gambon was nominated but did not win.
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Play: Lia Williams was nominated but did not win.
1996 Drama Desk Awards
Outstanding Actor - Play: Michael Gambon was nominated but did not win.
Outstanding Actress - Play: Lia Williams was nominated but did not win.