Kevin Conway, who starred in the Broadway production of "On the Waterfront," is also renowned for his roles in the Broadway revival of "Of Mice and Men" and "The Elephant Man," as well as his extensive work both on and off-Broadway. more...
James Gandolfini, best known for his iconic role as Tony Soprano, showcased his early acting prowess in the 1995 Broadway production of "On the Waterfront," demonstrating his versatility and depth as a performer long before his television breakthrough. more...
David Hyslop, known for his extensive Broadway career including roles in On the Waterfront, has also made notable Off-Broadway appearances in The Cocktail Hour and Marvin's Room, and was most recently seen in Laurie and Jack Lovefest at Gasbag Players in Tenafly, NJ. more...
David Morse, known for his acclaimed performances across film, television, and stage, brought his remarkable talent to "On the Waterfront," showcasing his versatility and depth as an actor. more...
Michael Mulheren, a Tony Award and Drama Desk Award nominee for Kiss Me Kate, has an extensive Broadway resume including a notable performance in On The Waterfront. more...