Jeff Daniels, known for his Emmy-winning roles in "The Newsroom" and "Godless," as well as his acclaimed performances in films like "The Purple Rose of Cairo" and "The Martian," showcased his versatile talent in "Redwood Curtain." more...
Debra Monk, a Tony Award-winning actress for her role in Redwood Curtain, has an illustrious career with 11 Broadway appearances and notable television roles, including an Emmy-winning performance in NYPD Blue. more...
Awards and Nominations
1993 Drama Desk Awards
Outstanding Actress - Play: Debra Monk was nominated but did not win.
1993 Outer Critics Circle Awards
Best Actress - Play: Debra Monk was nominated but did not win.
1993 Tony Awards
Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Role in a Play: Debra Monk won.