A devilishly delightful musical comedy that blends baseball fanaticism with a classic Faustian bargain. Die-hard Washington Senators fan Joe Boyd, frustrated by his team's constant losses to the Yankees, makes a reckless wish: to trade his soul for a shot at victory. Enter Mr. Applegate, a smooth-talking devil figure, who more...
grants Joe's wish by transforming him into the young baseball sensation Joe Hardy.
Joe Hardy leads the Senators on a winning streak, fueled by his incredible talent. However, as he basks in the glory, Joe grapples with the Faustian deal. He misses his wife and realizes the life he left behind holds more value than baseball. Meanwhile, the alluring Lola, another form of Mr. Applegate, tries to keep Joe focused on winning. Caught between his newfound success and the life he gave up, Joe must make a final choice – embrace fleeting glory or fight to reclaim his soul and return to the woman he loves. The show is packed with catchy tunes like "Heart" and "Whatever Lola Wants" and has garnered numerous accolades, including seven Tony Awards.