Patrick Cassidy, known for his diverse roles on stage and screen, portrayed Jeff Barry in the 1985 Broadway production of the Ellie Greenwich jukebox musical *Leader of the Pack*. more...
Annie Golden, who starred as Jeannie in the 1978 film "Hair" and was Sondheim’s original Squeaky Fromme in "Assassins" at Playwrights Horizons, brings her extensive Broadway and screen experience to the cast of "Leader of the Pack." more...
Lon Hoyt, a renowned music director and conductor, brought his expertise to Leader of the Pack, adding to his impressive credits that include Escape to Margaritaville, On Your Feet, Catch Me If You Can, and Hair. more...
Jodi Moccia, a Juilliard-trained actress known for her dynamic stage presence, was part of the cast of "Leader of the Pack" in the past, adding to her impressive Broadway resume that includes iconic shows like "Cats," "Les Misérables," and "Miss Saigon." more...
Kevyn Morrow made his Broadway debut as a member of the original cast of Leader of the Pack, before moving on to iconic shows such as A Chorus Line and Dreamgirls. more...