Larry Bryggman, a Tony-nominated actor for his roles in "Proof" and "Picnic," brought his extensive stage experience to the cast of "Festen," adding depth to the production with his seasoned performances. more...
Diane Davis, who played a role in Festen, is a multi-talented playwright and director, known for her work with the Eden Theater Company and her fellowship at HB Studios for her play Complicity. more...
David Patrick Kelly, known for his versatile performances on stage and screen, brought his extensive experience to the cast of "Festen," having previously captivated audiences with roles in Broadway productions like "Into The Woods" and "Once," as well as memorable film appearances in "John Wick" and "The Warriors." more...
Stephen Kunken, who brought depth to his role in the Broadway production of Festen, has also earned a Tony Award nomination for his performance as Andy Fastow in Enron and has been recognized with multiple nominations from the Outer Critics Circle and Drama League for his work in Frost/Nixon and other notable productions. more...
Julianna Margulies, known for her Emmy-winning role in The Good Wife, made her Broadway debut in 2006 with Festen, where she starred alongside Michael Hayden, Larry Bryggman, Ali MacGraw, and Jeremy Sisto. more...
Carrie Preston, known for her Emmy-winning role as Elsbeth Tascioni in *The Good Wife*, brought her versatile acting skills to the stage in *Festen*, enriching the production with her extensive experience in both television and film. more...