Spaceman, a unique theatrical experience that utilizes low light, a claustrophobic set and simulated micro-gravity to simulate space travel, follows astronaut Molly Jennis on her attempt to be the first human to reach Mars. Beginning seven months into an eight-month journey to the red planet, she is the lone crew member of the space module Aeneas. With a mission to establish a new colony, the difficulties of interplanetary space travel are brought to life in exacting detail. Radiation exposure, long term weightlessness, low light, extensive communication delays and poor hygiene are just a few of the challenges Molly Jennis must face on her quest to be the first to Mars, but she soon finds nothing compares to the psychological effects of having so much time alone.
2019 | Off-Broadway |
Loading Dock Theatre Off-Broadway Premiere Off-Broadway |
Year | Ceremony | Category | Nominee |
2019 | Drama Desk Awards | Outstanding Lighting Design for a Play | Simon Cleveland |
2019 | Drama Desk Awards | Outstanding Solo Performance | Erin Treadway |