Xanadu, a stage musical adaptation of the 1980 film, features a book by Douglas Carter Beane and music by Jeff Lynne and John Farrar. The show humorously revisits the original film's story, focusing on a Greek muse's journey to Venice Beach, California, to inspire a struggling artist to achieve the more...
greatest artistic creation of all time: a roller disco. Since its Broadway debut in 2007, Xanadu has been celebrated for its clever satire, catchy disco-era tunes, and roller-skating choreography, earning several Tony Award nominations and acclaim for its joyful, uplifting experience.
Based on the Universal Pictures cult classic movie of the same title, which starred Olivia Newton-John and Gene Kelly, Xanadu is hilarity on wheels for adults, children and anyone who has ever wanted to feel inspired.
Xanadu follows the journey of a magical and beautiful Greek muse, Kira, who descends from the heavens of Mount Olympus to Venice Beach, California in 1980 on a quest to inspire a struggling artist, Sonny, to achieve the greatest artistic creation of all time – the first ROLLER DISCO! (Hey, it's 1980!) But, when Kira falls into forbidden love with the mortal Sonny, her jealous sisters take advantage of the situation, and chaos abounds.