Peter Bartlett, who starred in the Off-Broadway production of "What's That Smell: The Music of Jacob Sterling," has an extensive career that includes notable Broadway performances in "Something Rotten," "Cinderella," and "The Drowsy Chaperone." more...
Max Kumangai, known for his Broadway performances in shows like Hadestown and Jagged Little Pill, also showcased his talent Off-Broadway in productions such as What's That Smell: The Music of Jacob Sterling. more...
David Pittu, a versatile actor, writer, and director, not only starred in but also wrote and directed the Off-Broadway hit "What's That Smell: The Music of Jacob Sterling," showcasing his multifaceted talent in the theater world. more...
Chandra Lee Schwartz, known for her standout performance as Glinda in Wicked on Broadway and the 1st National Tour, brought her comedic talents to the stage in What's That Smell: The Music of Jacob Sterling. more...