Barbara Barrie, known for her distinguished career across film, television, and theatre, graced the Broadway stage in the past with her performance in *Torch Song Trilogy*, showcasing her versatility and depth as an actress. more...
Donald Corren, who has a rich history of Off-Broadway performances and a notable role on NBC's "Law & Order," brings his extensive theatrical experience to the cast of Torch Song Trilogy. more...
David Garrison, a versatile actor known for his extensive work in both television and theatre, was part of the cast of the acclaimed Broadway production Torch Song Trilogy, adding to his impressive list of stage credits that includes a Tony Award nomination for A Day in Hollywood / A Night in the Ukraine. more...
Jonathan Hadary, who was part of the original cast of "Torch Song Trilogy," boasts an impressive career with notable performances on Broadway, including a Tony-nominated role in "Gypsy" and an Obie Award-winning performance in "As Is." more...