When a young boy's snowman comes to life on Christmas Eve, the two set off on a night-time quest for adventure. On their travels they meet dancing penguins, reindeer and naturally, Father Christmas. Watch spellbound as the Snowman flies through the night sky above you, before escaping the clutches of more...
the evil Jack Frost to return home for Christmas morning.
Featuring Howard Blake's beautiful Walking In the Air, performed by a live orchestra, choreographed by Robert North and directed by Bill Alexander, this is the perfect Christmas treat for all the family.
The stage show based on Raymond Briggs' The Snowman and the subsequent film has become a modern classic. Ruari Murchison's enchanting design combined with Tim Mitchell's spectacular lighting has been delighting children for over a decade. With its wonderful mix of storytelling, spectacle and magic, The Snowman is back for a record-breaking 14th year.