The Shed presents a powerful new staging of Academy Award-winning writer of Moonlight Tarell Alvin McCraney’s acclaimed play, The Brothers Size. This co-production with Los Angeles’s Geffen Playhouse marks the 20th anniversary of this groundbreaking work, which explores themes of brotherhood, resilience, and the complexities of the Black male experience. more...
Directed by Bijan Sheibani and presented in the round in The Griffin Theater, this play invites audiences to witness the raw and intimate story of two brothers navigating life after incarceration, weaving into the storytelling the rich tradition of the Yoruba people of West Africa. The Brothers Size is a modern-day fable about two brothers in the Deep South. Ogun, the elder brother, embodies hard work and reliability, while Oshoosi, formerly incarcerated, is seemingly carefree and unpredictable. Their relationship is tested when the charismatic Elegba arrives, tempting Oshoosi back to his old habits. As the brothers wrestle with loyalty, freedom, and duty, their humanity is revealed through a raw and heartfelt exploration of the bonds of brotherhood.