Bill Buell, who has an extensive Broadway resume including roles in productions like Urinetown and 42nd Street, brings his seasoned talent to the cast of Summer of '42, adding depth to the nostalgic tale set more...
Danielle Ferland, known for her standout role as Little Red Riding Hood in the original Broadway production of Stephen Sondheim's "Into the Woods," brings her extensive stage experience and heartfelt performances to the cast of "Summer of '42," a show that revisits the nostalgic past. more...
Celia Keenan-Bolger, a Tony Award-winning actress known for her roles in Broadway hits like "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "The Glass Menagerie," brings her extensive stage experience to the cast of "Summer of '42," having previously graced the Second Stage Theater in productions such as "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" and "Little Fish." more...
Rachel York, known for her award-winning performances in Broadway hits like Victor/Victoria and national tours such as Anything Goes, brings her versatile talent to the cast of Summer of '42, adding to her impressive repertoire of stage and screen roles from the past. more...