Buddy Crutchfield, who appeared Off Broadway in Summer of '42, has an extensive background in theater, including performances on Broadway and national tours, and premiered a Sammy Cahn piece as an original Radio City New Yorker. more...
Kate Jennings Grant, who has an extensive background in stage, film, and television, showcased her talent in the past Off-Broadway production of Summer of '42. more...
Celia Keenan-Bolger, a Tony Award-winning actress known for her extensive work on Broadway and Off-Broadway, brings her remarkable talent to the cast of Summer of '42, adding to her impressive resume that includes memorable performances in productions like The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee and To Kill a Mockingbird. more...
Bill Kux, a Yale School of Drama graduate, showcased his talents Off-Broadway in productions like Summer of '42, in addition to his notable performances in Ain't Broadway Grand on Broadway and the national tour of Death of a Salesman with Hal Holbrook. more...