Aaron Carter, who gained fame in the late 1990s as a pop and hip hop sensation, showcased his versatility by appearing in the Broadway musical Seussical more...
Rosie O'Donnell, a recipient of the Isabelle Stevenson Award and a longtime theatre advocate, starred in the Broadway production of "Seussical!" among her notable stage credits. more...
Cathy Rigby, renowned for her iconic portrayal of Peter Pan, brought her theatrical prowess to the lead role in the touring production of Seussical during 2002-2003, showcasing her versatility beyond the beloved boy who wouldn't grow up. more...
Awards and Nominations
2001 Tony Awards
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical: Kevin Chamberlin was nominated but did not win.
2000 Drama Desk Awards
Outstanding Actor - Musical: Kevin Chamberlin won.
Outstanding Featured Actress - Musical: Janine LaManna won.